Friday, July 13, 2012

DIY Friday: Long Pendant Necklace

Happy Friday! I present to you, a little DIY action to start your weekend off right. I was inspired to make this necklace when I realized I didn't have that many long necklaces in my jewelry arsenal to wear! I have so many short and medium length necklaces - they seem to be my go-to these days. But not today. I wanted a long necklace with a fun pendant. Without further ado, the DIY Long Pendant Necklace:

You will need:
- Three stones
- Three pin heads
- Silver chain
- One clasp
- Three jump rings
- round nose and flat nose pliers

Put a head pin through a stone of your choice. I chose turquoise.
 With a pair of round nose pliers, curve the end of the head pin over to create a loop.
 Repeat 2 other times for a total of three stones.
 Open a jump ring and loop it through on end of the chain. Close it off.
 Attach your clasp to the other end of the chain, with another jump ring.
 Now you will have a long simple, silver chain necklace like this.
 Put all three stone pendants onto other jump ring and attach jump ring to the center of your chain.
 Close it off, and you're done!
The final product:
Will you try making this long pendant necklace for yourself?


Unknown said...

Wow, great DIY! Such a cute necklace and love the way you wore it!

Rachel’s Lookbook

Clara Turbay said...

It´s a surprise return to your blog and find cool stuff.

Life At Victoria House said...

Such a good idea! :) I'm so impressed that you spent the time making it and thats it's such a stunning result too!!! Xxx

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