Thursday, May 30, 2013

Trend Spotting: Lariat Necklaces

First of all, what is a lariat you ask? It's basically a rope or cord looped into a lasso shape. So these necklaces break away from the traditional oblong circle mold, and instead, loops through itself leaving a singular long trendral. 

I first spotted the Jennifer Zeuner lariat necklaces on bloggers like the Glamourai and Sincerely Jules. I've had my eye on a JZ lariat necklace for months - definitely near the top of my wishlist! There is something sexy about the long trailing end of a lariat necklace. Wear it over top of your favorite blouse or tuck in the end having the tail sneaking away, leaving something to the imagination.

My favorite lariat necklaces below! 

1. Jennifer Zeuner Rayna Eye Lariat Necklace
2. Kelacala Q Rock On Drop Necklace
3. Ariel Gordon Diamond Lariat Necklace
4. Blanca Monrós Gómez Diamond Seed Lariat
5. Fallon Jewelry Classique Lariat Necklace
6. Jennifer Zeuner Theresa Lariat Necklace
7. Jennifer Fisher Gold Small Knife Lariat Necklace
8. Mara Carrizo Scalise Dew Cable Necklace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love these...didn't know they had a name!

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