Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Deal of the Month

This deal was too good NOT to share! Especially since so many of you loved the mixed metals post from a few days ago. Now you can have your very own mixed metals piece at a fraction of the price! I ordered mine as soon as the email it's now safe to spread the news knowing that I've secured mind. I kid, kid, I'd share with my dear readers any day.  Enough babble, onto the deal!

Can you believe it?! This necklace was originally $398 USD and is on sale for $59 USD. Gasp. I thought there was a typo when I received the email.  It's on special for Mother's Day (insert collective "awwww"), and what a Mother's Day gift it would be! I can't think of a single Mom who wouldn't want to be given this beautiful necklace on her special day. 

The Liz necklace by Gemma Redux is made up of Rough Cut Rock Crystal, Steel, 18K Gold, Brass And Steel Plate Chain.

Ps - I won't tell if you decide to keep it for yourself ;) xxjj


Victoria said...

Oh, such an amazing necklace! Love it :)

- Victoria

Fashion Dawgs said...

Cutest necklace ever!

Fashion Dawgs

Anonymous said...

Did you get one?!

Jolie Jouel said...

Anonymous: Yes, I did! And I promise to wear it on the blog when it arrives in a few weeks. Stay tuned!


Emily said...

Love this necklace!! New follower!

Jamie Anthony said...

i'm dying to have a gemma redux necklace or bracelet! the designs are so unique!!

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