Friday, December 14, 2012

DIY Friday: Make A Christmas Gift!

Sometimes the most special gifts are the ones that people make. You know how you feel when your niece gives you a handmade card? Why not pass that feeling along to a loved one by making them this DIY necklace!

You will need:
- Silver chain
- 4 beads
- 4 links of thick curb chain
- 2 jump rings
- 2 wire guards
- 2 crimps
- 2 crimp covers 
- 1 clasp
- Beading wire
- Snips and flat nose pliers
Step 1: 
Create a loop in one end of a small piece of wire with your wire guard and crimp. Next, string two of your beads onto the same piece of wire.

Step 2:
Loop the other end of your wire through the silver chain. Use a wire guard and crimp to secure.
 Finish with a crimp cover and snip excess wire.

Step 3:
Repeat steps 1 & 2 with the other two beads.
Step 4:
Use a jump ring to attach one end of the thick curb chain to one of the beaded units. Use another jump ring to attach the second bead unit to the other end of the thick curb chain.

Step 5:
Attach your clasp to one end of the necklace and a jump ring on the other.


Will you be making any of your Christmas presents this year? 
Happy weekend!


t said...

Cool DIY! Good idea for a gift!

Co said...

Interesting DIY, even if I'm not good at these stuff and I would never be able to do this ahah

Wanna follow each other? I'm already following youu xx


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