Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do or Don't: Double Time Tellers

There was a recent Duck Dynasty episode that featured a stylish, city-slicker, photographer taking photos of Phil, Kay, and their beloved dogs. Hilarity ensues as city and country ideals collide. At one point, Phil points out that the photographer is wearing two watches, shaking his head in confusion over his redundant accessories.

Is wearing two watches in-vogue or totally over the top? Something only rednecks can't comprehend or something that only famous pet photographer can pull off?  Sound off in the comments below!

Still lusting after this watch and this one, too. Should I get both and wear them together!? ;)

1 comment:

Paula said...

I say there are no rules... it is a little bit on the redundant side (who needs a watch nowadays when you're never without your cell?) but if you've got 2 blingin watches and can't decide which - go for broke and wear both!

♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

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