Monday, March 4, 2013

Show & Tell

This weekend I finished a jewelry making course and wanted to share with you guys what I made! The workshop was called Lost Wax Casting and took two weekends to complete. The first Sunday I carved wax molds of my pieces and then they were cast in silver. Yesterday I got the raw molds back and had to finish (and sand and file and polish...) until they were complete.

I made a cool bangle (by dropping hot wax into water for the piece on top) and a first knuckle ring, since I am clearly obsessed. I also made some fortune cookie charms for necklaces, but they're not finished or ready to show yet.

Here are some more shots of the bangle (you can see the FKR in the photo above).


Emma said...

Very impressive! and you look fantastic :)

Can't wait to see the fortune cookie charms.

Paula said...

Woah - this is so cool. Usually jewelry making involves pliers and fake pearls - but not you. You're smelting and sanding! I love it.

♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

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