Thursday, February 14, 2013

Celebrity Jewelry Style: Pregnancy Edition!

To say I've got baby on the brain would be an understatement. She doesn't let me forget about her for too long, even if I tried. With her rolly-polly moves and cute little kicks, my little buddy is definitely making her presence known. Not to mention my ever-expanding waist-line that shocks me every morning when I catch my reflection in the mirror. My mission this weekend is to find a decent pair of maternity skinny jeans. I can't go on without them.

But what about jewelry style? Does this change or need to change as your belly grows? Well obviously it doesn't have to! But I love wearing longer necklaces with pendants to accentuate my bump. This would be my biggest shift in accessorizing since the appearance of the bump. I also think going necklace free and wearing dangly earrings or hoops is a super cool maternity look. And you can keep those arm parties coming. Baby probably likes the sound of those clinging and clanging bracelets and isn't around to pull on them - yet.

Here is a photo of a necklace I made to fill my need for longer pendants. It's a purple amethyst druzy hung on gold plated chain. I added two strands of smaller gold chain as an interesting detail. Also, as a side note, this is my first Instagram pic! Follow me here!

But enough about me, let's look to the celebs to see how they accessories during pregnancy. They always do it best, right?

Do you have any pregnancy style tips to share?


Unknown said...

How fun is this! Such a cute baby bump! Happy Vday love, hope you have a fab day!

Vicki Archer said...

I don't think your style needs to change when you're pregnant, I love your idea of wearing longer necklaces to accentuate your bump...xv

Frank Vinyl said...

aww this is so great and cute

and so it goes.... said...

You have the most adorable bump! I love that you are not giving up your style. I am loving the long accessories the most!


L.A. in the bay said...

I LOVE the necklace you are wearing!

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