Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trend Spotting: Floral Jewelry for Spring

The way I see it, the more that I post about Spring and Summer the quicker the remainder of the Winter shall pass. Agree? Should we make a pact to continue to look ahead?

I am loving the floral, bright, and pastel jewelry pieces that are appearing for in stores for Spring. I can't wait to dress up in something a little brighter and happier in a few months!

Here are my picks for Spring jewelry. {Warning, this post is J Crew and Anthropologie heavy, so if you're not a fan, you might want to look away. And...who arrrrre you?}

1. Doloris Petunia Ombre Squash Blossom necklace
2. Anthropologie Filament Earrings
3. Anthropologie Glinted Petal Necklace
5. Anthropologie Heirloom Earrings
7. Anthropologie Monte Carlo Necklace
8. Anthropologie Lombok Pendant Necklace
9. Anthropologie Royal Wreath Necklace
10. Anthropologie Twinkle Bloom Earrings
15. Anthropologie Blushing Pearl Bib Necklace


Mira said...

I want them all!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness I love these! I want them all for Spring!
xo Dina
Sweetest Somethings

Unknown said...

This sort of jewelry reminds me of garage sales, and I like it in that kitschy way, but I could never bring myself to pay the prices it retails at!


navy and orange said...

these are all beyond fab. would be perfect with a white tee!

xoxo navy & orange

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